
Children & Youth

Vibrant and alive Children & Youth Ministries!

“Let the children come to me.”  Matthew 19:14

Register Online or Download a printable form.

Click here to view the current Christian Education calendar.

Click here to view the current God Squad calendar



  • 3 year olds – 4th graders
  • Meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings after worship beginning in September and ending in late April/early May
  • One room school house concept – all ages meet together
  • Education Director coordinates BVLC Kids program
  • Bibles given to 3-year-olds and 3rd graders and any others who have not received a Bible.
  • Traditional Christmas program presented/performed in December during Sunday morning worship and if possible, at Bethany Meadows after Sunday worship. 
  • Easter program presented/performed on Palm Sunday.
  • The children’s offering will be donated to International, National, State, and/or Local Causes/Charities that the kids help choose.

Vacation Bible School

VBS is held each summer for 3 year olds through children entering 4th grade.  Youth in 5th-12th grade are welcome and encouraged to assist with VBS.

God Squad

  • 5th graders
  • Meets on Wednesday evenings after worship beginning in September and ending in late April/early May
  • Christ-centered learning and discussion and servant and fun events
  • Receive a God Squad t-shirt

First Communion

  • 5th graders and older children who have not yet received first communion.
  • Meet a couple of times to learn about the sacrament of Holy Communion prior to receiving first communion.
  • Paint a chalice to commemorate first communion milestone.
  • First communion is held on the first Sunday in November.

Bible Camp

  • Children are encouraged to consider attending Bible camp during the summer. A portion of Bible camp cost will be paid using education funds.  The amount provided to each child will be determined based on the amount of funds available and the number of children attending camp.  Currently $200 will be given to each child who attends church camp.  This amount will be reviewed by the education committee each year and adjusted if needed.


  • 6th-8th graders + fall session for 9th graders
  • Meets on Wednesday evenings after worship beginning in September and ending in late April/early May
  • Led by the pastor with the help of adult mentors/confirmation guides.
  • Bible, handbook, and curriculum provided to 6th graders
  • Christ-centered learning and discussion and servant and fun events
  • Confirmation Sunday is held on the last Sunday in October.

Download a printable form for Confirmation.

Senior High Youth Group

  • 9th-12th graders
  • Meets on Wednesday evenings after worship.
  • Christ-centered learning and discussion and servant and fun events.
  • A portion of funds raised by the youth will be donated to International, National, State, and/or Local Causes/Charities chosen by the youth.  In May 2024, the youth donated to Feeding SD and the Sioux Falls Human Society and to three families (two local and one in the state of SD) that were in need.
  • Group faith experience/trip offered every three years.  A portion of the cost of longer youth trips will be paid.  The amount provided to each youth will be determined based on the amount of funds available and the number of youth going on the trip.  Currently $500 will be given to each youth who attends one of these bigger trips.  This amount will be reviewed by the education committee each year and adjusted if needed.

Opportunities to Volunteer

  • Teach BVLC Kids on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings after worship.  Commit to teaching once or multiple times.
  • Assist with God Squad.
  • Serve as a Confirmation Guide.
  • Assist with the Senior High Youth Group.
  • Help with VBS.
  • Serve on the Christian Education committee.  Typically meets in the evening on the first Thursday of each month.
  • Donate time, talents, or treasures to the annual all youth benefit fundraiser – the type of event, date, and time to be determined.  In the past, we have done a pasta meal or an auction and bake sale. 
  • Sell grocery gift cards after church on Sunday mornings.
  • Serve as worship assistants (ushers, readers, greeters, media techs, special music, communion assistants) on a regular basis on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings.  Fill out the time and talents sheet ( Time and Talents Form ) and email it to office@beavervalleylutheran.org, drop it off at the church office, or put it in the offering plate.
  • Serve treats for coffee fellowship after church on Sunday mornings.


  • Children and youth programs and activities are funded by the church budget and fundraising (gift card sales and an annual all youth benefit fundraiser.)
  • Additional funds for camp registration and longer youth trips may be requested by talking to the pastor.  They will inform the education committee of the request while keeping the identity of the family requesting funds anonymous.
  • Additional fundraising may be done by specific groups of youth attending longer youth trips.  This fundraising will be coordinated by members of the group and will be completed outside the church (i.e. concessions at an auction, waiting tables at Pizza Ranch, cleaning the Canaries stadium, Optimist Club mailing, etc.).   The funds earned will be split among the youth participating in the fundraiser to help fund their trip.