“Let the children come to me.” Matthew 19:14
Christian education is held on Sunday mornings following worship at approximately 10:30 a.m. for children 3 years of age through 4th grade (September through the 1st Sunday in May). The Whirl Bible and curriculum are used. Each year, Bibles are given to 3-year-olds, 3rd graders, and any others who have not received a Bible.
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Click here to view the current Christian Education calendar.
Click here to view the current God Squad calendar
5th graders –
Our fifth graders are in a special place within Beaver Valley. No longer young, Sunday School kids, they are now invited into their young adult life in the congregation throughout this “pre-Confirmation” year. The year begins with First Communion training. After they have passed that milestone event, they will be invited to become a servant team in fun and meaningful ways.
First Communion
5th graders and older children who have not yet received first communion will meet a couple of times with pastor prior to receiving first communion. They will paint a chalice to commemorate their first communion milestone. First communion is held on the first Sunday in November.
Confirmation (6th grade – 9th grade)
Confirmation is held on Wednesday nights from 7:00-8:00 p.m. for 6th-8th graders (September through April). There is also a fall session for 9th graders leading up to their confirmation service at the end of October. The “I Send You” curriculum focusing on learning the joy and importance of serving others is used. Servant and ‘fun’ events are also incorporated throughout the confirmation year.
High School Youth Group – For 9th-12th graders. Meets once or twice a month on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. Servant and ‘fun’ events held throughout the year. Group faith experience/trip offered every three years.
The church pays a portion of the cost of Bible Camp registration and Sr. High Servant Trip, Camp, or National Youth Gathering registration through money raised by grocery gift card sales, the annual pasta meal fundraiser, and Palm Sunday brunch.
- Sunday school helper/assistant (Confirmation Youth and Up)
- Sunday school lesson leader
- Church bell ringer at Beaver Valley Sanctuary (Child 3rd grade and up with Family/Parent help if child is in elementary school)
- Candle lighter (Child 3rd grade and up with Family/Parent help if child is in elementary school)
- Sell grocery gift cards after church (Child 3rd grade and up with Family/Parent help if child is in elementary school) This fundraiser supports High School Youth and Middle School Youth activities and trips and Camp for 3rd-8th graders. Some of the funds raised are also donated to local, state, national, and international causes.