
Email:  pastor@beavervalleylutheran.org     

A Message from Pastor Greg: 

                                       Thank You


           We have arrived at that time in our relationship as pastor and congregation where we have to choose what we will say to one another at the end.  Beginning on January 1, 2014 and now soon to conclude my call to serve at the end of May, I have been blessed to be a part of Beaver Valley.  I think we have had far more good days together than bad.  I am thankful for our almost ten and half years of ministry.  I am amazed at what God has done among us—represented so perfectly in the many people who are leading this congregation, “each part working properly” says St. Paul—I see that here.
          With just a few weeks left, the month of May will be precious and important.  Precious in that each Sunday will have its gospel themes as always…this Word our guide in this complicated world.  Precious in that the width and breadth of our congregation is returning to our new building with a noticeable energy to get back to being more fully a broad-based congregation committed to one another and to this ever-changing world around us.   Precious in that I will have one more chance to be with various groups and individuals within the congregation—occasions not to be wasted.       
          May is important.  The direction of the South Dakota Synod staff is important to honor.  They say, “When a pastor is leaving a congregation, it is essential that the first thing is do a good job of saying goodbye.”  Yes, first a chance to grieve and celebrate and pray.  Then will come the election of a call committee.  Then will come the important work of a parish study that will form the backdrop for the entire call process down the road.  Then, to welcome those who will come and serve during the interim months.         

          For Nancy and me, the most important thing for us to do is to say thank you with everything ounce of our being.  Thank you for welcoming us into your history of service and faith.  Thank you for letting us be who we are—skills and blemishes for sure.  Thank you, then, for friendships that will never be forgotten.  Thank you for laughter and tears.  Thank you for Christmas Eves in our stately sanctuary and out in the crisp cold air of our Bethlehem-like pavilion.          
          Our last scheduled time to be together will be on Wednesday evening, May 29th.  Plans are being made by the church council, in conversation with synod staff, for a proper farewell.  At the center of it will be Wednesday evening worship.  I haven’t written the sermon yet, but I picture being with you and trying to find the words to thank you and our God for the years we’ve been given.                                                                                                  


Pastor Greg Johnson



Jacqui Shoemaker, Office Manager • Office: 605-582-3504
Email: office@beavervalleylutheran.org

Kari Morgan, Church Office
Email: office@beavervalleylutheran.org


Janet Andersen,
Website Administrator


Shelly Berg,
Choir Director


Brittany Gerovac
, Education Director

Gingi Hanson,
Choir Accompanist

Corey Maunu
, Media Director
Email:  media@beavervalleylutheran.org


Sue Johannsen, Faith Community Nurse
Email: suejohannsen@hotmail.com

Darcie Johnson, Treasurer

Ruth Tieszen, Organist

Prayer Chain coordinator

Joan Schuette
Email: jdschuet@aol.com
Phone: 351-3956