Women of the Church (WELCA)
A commitment to come back to life in a more spiritually focused way is a commitment by the women of Beaver Valley. Yes, the work of the kitchen and hospitality is still important work for this group. But far more importantly, the women of the congregation seek a deeper relationship with God for the sake of their families and the world in which we all move.
A new model for going deeper in the faith—a model that acknowledges that there will need to be more than one way for women of all generations to study and pray with and for one another—is in the making. The soul searching work of the women of the church will soon benefit all the adults in the congregation as a rich variety of Bible study, prayer and service groups are intended to emerge from ongoing work of women and staff leadership.
The women of the church intend to continue with monthly gathers in person. Pastor Greg has committed to creating study pieces that can be used by individuals as well as small groups of various kinds across and beyond the congregation.
Beaver Valley Churchmen
Each week on Thursday, men of Beaver Valley meet at different locations around Brandon for a 7:00 a.m. devotion followed by breakfast conversation. The men of the church are often asked to help support key events in the congregation and participate in adult learning and serving opportunities.
Church in Society
The Church in Society committee plays a unique role in the congregation. This group coordinates the service work of adults at Beaver Valley on a monthly basis.
Church in Society offers members of our congregation the opportunity to live out their faith in the world. They coordinate the volunteer sign-up for adults who go to visit and worship with inmates at the State Penitentiary, serving a meal at The Banquet, or preparing Care Packages for our college students and military personnel, and Meals on Wheels—to name just a few opportunities to serve.
Bible Study
Every Sunday, worship service is shaped by the lectionary words from scripture for the week. Each member goes home with the readings for the Sunday which, for some, continues as the Bible readings for the week.
Women of the church meet monthly for a Gather Bible study lesson, and men meet weekly for a short breakfast lesson.
Stay tuned for days and times and various ways that the members of Beaver Valley may grow in their faith together!