
At Beaver Valley, we believe that an important part of being church is connecting with God and one another. We have several ways for you to get involved in our community of faith.

God’s Creators

Join us for God’s Creators—a small group that meets whenever cards need to be made to send for holidays, birthdays, illness, congratulations, and other special occasions.

We mail to college students, shut-ins and anyone who needs to be reminded that we are thinking of them.

If you would like to help with this ministry or know of anyone who needs a card, contact Ardell Johnson 757-6273 or princessann@alliancecom.net

NOTE: Please call Ardell for event dates and times!

Food Shepherds

Are you called to be a Food Shepherd?

The Food Shepherds plan and prepare food that is delivered to those who need care in our congregation and community:families with new babies, and those who are hospitalized, grieving or shut-in.

There are many ways to volunteer for this small group:

  • Like to cook? Join us to help prepare and freeze meals.
  • Don’t like to cook but like to visit? Volunteer to be on the delivery crew!
  • Are you in the know? Volunteer to help keep Food Shepherds informed of those who need a meal and a short welcoming visit.
  • Still want to help? Donations of money to defray food costs and storage trays are always welcome and appreciated.

Watch for meeting time and details in The Tidings monthly newsletter and on our website.

Contact Joan Schuette at 351-3956 or Janet Andersen at 582-3804 to volunteer or sign-up on the bulletin board downstairs in the south hallway.

Meals on Wheels

Beaver Val­ley deliv­ers meals to Bran­don com­mu­nity shut-ins dur­ing the months of March and August. To learn more, contact Beth Flier at 261-3796.